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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站收集  点击数  更新时间:2006/5/16 2:24:58  文章录入:凌林  责任编辑:凌云

You must be hospitalized right now.
You must have your appendix removed.
You must have your tooth extracted.
You need an injection.
You probably have contracted the flu.
You seem to have picked up some kind of infection.
You’ll be all right soon.
You’ll be treated for a fracture of the bone.
You’ll get over it soon.
You’ll have an immediate operation.
You’ll have to be operated on.

You’ll have to have your decayed tooth pulled out.
You’ll have to stay in the hospital for observation for two days.
You’ll recover in two or three days.
Your case is not very serious.
Your left thumb suffers a comminuted fracture.
Your rheumatism should take a course of treatment for about a month.

You’re suffering a heart disease, I’m afraid.
You’ve got a drop of fever.
You’re running a temperature.
You’ve got the flu, but not very serious.

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