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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站收集  点击数  更新时间:2006/5/16 2:24:58  文章录入:凌林  责任编辑:凌云

I'11 take some blood from your arm. Please take off your coat and roll up your sleeve.
I'11 take some blood from your ear. Please take off your ear ring.
Your veins don't stand out very clearly.I'11 try to do it care. Be patient. Please clench your fist. 你的静脉不明显,我需要仔细找找。请耐心些.请你握拳.
Pleas open your hand.Press it with this bit of cotton wool for a while.

I'll do a skin test first to see if you have any sensitivity.
Since you are sensitive to the anti-tetanus serum, we will have to give it to youin fonr doses,at an interval of twenty minutes.
P: How often should I have the injection? 这针多久注射一次?
N: Once a day(twice a day). 每天一次(每天两次).
P: Where do you give it? 在哪个部位注射呢?
N: In the buttocks(in the arm). 在臀部(在手臂上).
P: I discovered a lump on my buttock yesterday. What shall I do?
N: Let me have a look. Better put hot towels on it. Two times a day for fifteen minutes, If It doesn't get better, we'11 try ghysiotherapy.

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