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护理学基础作业习题单元测试题:测试题四:◎Unit 4一. Select the best answer for each of the following questions1. Which of the following comments on comfort is not true :A. comfort has both physical and emotional componentsB.
 <Unit 4> 
 ※<Unit 4>

Unit 4

一. Select the best answer for each of the following questions

1. Which of the following comments on comfort is not true :

A. comfort has both physical and emotional components

B. physical comfort includes freedom from pain and harmony with the environment 

C. emotional comfort is freedom from mental distress, such as anxiety or depression 

D. comfort only means no pain

2. Which of the following comments on rest is not true:

A. Rest implies merely www.med126.com/kuaiji/inactivity  

B. rest implies calmness, relaxation without emotional stress, and freedom from anxiety

C. some people may find it restful to walk in the fresh air 

D. the ill and injured need rest

3. Which of the following conditions can cause physical discomforts:

A. pain   B. insufficient supports for body positions and damp bedclothes  

C. loud noise   D. all of the above

4. Which of the following sleep characteristics is not true:

A. minimal physical activity  B. variable levels of consciousness   

C. changes in the body’s physiologic processes  D. increased responsiveness to external stimuli.

5. Which can not regulate body processes:

A. proteins   B. water   C. vitamins   D. minerals

6. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can come from:

A. citrus fruits B. liver   C. kidney D. milk

7. Vitamin A can not come from:

A. liver   B. sweet potato   C. milk   D. carrots

8. Proteins can not come from

A. citrus fruits B. fish   C. egg   D. milk

二. Multiple choices

1. Most people can rest when they:

A. feel that things are under control and feel accepted    B. feel that they understand what is going on  

C. are free from irritation and discomfort and have a satisfying amount of purposeful activity   D. know that they will receive help when it is needed E. feel that they will recovery at once

2. Emotional discomforts include:

A. having too many or too few visitors B. feeling a lack of privacy, being hurried C. having to wait for long periods   D. being alone医学全.在线www.med126.com  E. being concerned about the life problems of self or others

3. REM sleep characteristics include:

A. vivid (colorful and busy) dreaming  B. profound muscle relaxation, irregular, often faster, heart and respiratory rates, variable blood pressure and irregular muscle movements  C. frequent bursts of rapid eye movement

D. release of steroids in small bursts and increased gastric secretion E. penile erections in males of all ages

4. Both Vitamin E and K can come from:

A. fish B. green leafy vegetables   C. vegetable oils   D. liver E. egg yolk

5. Vegetable-fruit group includes:

A. a dark-green vegetable   B. a deep-yellow vegetable   C. a citrus fruit D. tomatoes  

E. potatoes


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