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来源:本站原创 更新:2014/10/17 职称英语考试论坛



  651.stick sth. on 把……贴在……上

  652.stick to 粘着,坚持

  653.stick at (=continue to work hard at) 继续勤奋地致力于……;stick one’s work坚持工作;stick at one’s books 勤奋读书

  654.stick to (=refuse to leave or change) 坚持

  stick to one’s promise 比喻食言

  stick to one’s friend 忠于朋友

  655.in stock 有……货

  656.be strict with 对……严格要求

  657.be/go on strike 罢工

  658.subject...to (=cause...to experience) 使受……到

  subject (adj.) to 易受到……的

  659.submit....to 提交

  660.substitute...for 以……代替……

  661.suffer from 患……病;受……苦痛

  662.be suitable for (=fit) 合适……的

  663.in sum 大体上,总之

  664.supply sb. with sth 向某人提供某物

  665.superior to 优于……,比……好

  666.in support of 以便支持

  667.be sure of (=have no doubt; certain) 确信的

  668.for sure/certain (certainly, definitely) 肯定地,有把握地说

  669.make sure about 弄清,弄确实

  670.be surprised at 对……惊奇;take...by surprise 使……惊奇;to one’s surprise 使某人惊奇

  671.suspect sb. of 疑心某犯有……

  672.be suspicious of (=not trusting) 对……有疑心

  673.by sympathetic to/towards 对……同情,赞同

  674.sympathize with sb. or sth. 对……表示同情

  675.be in sympathy with 赞同,同情

  676.taste of 有……味道

  677.in good taste 大方,得体;(反意)in bad taste

  678.to (one’s) taste 合……的口味,中意

  679.tell……from (=recognize) 辨别,认出

  680.in terms of (=with regard to;respectively) 按照,根据,在……方面

  681.be on good/bad terms with 关系好(不好)

  682.thank sb. for sth. 因……感谢某人

  683.think of (=have the idea of) 想到;(=consider) 考虑;(=remember) 想起

  684.on second thoughts 经再三考虑之后

  685.be through with (=finish with) 做好,完成

  686.at one time 过去一度,以前曾经

  687.behind the time(思想,看法)落后于时代

  behind time (=late) 迟到,晚点

  688.for the time being (=temporarily) 暂时

  689.in time (for) (=early or soon enough) 及时

  on time (=punctually) 准时

  690.at no time 无论何时也不……

  in on time (=very quickly) 立即,马上

  691.at time (=occasionally) 间或,时常

  at all times (=always) 始终,总是

  692.at a time 一次,每次;同时

  693.no top of 在……上面

  694.in total (=all have been added up) 总计

  695.be in touch with 与……有接触,有联系

  be out of touch with 与……没有联系或接触

  696.be true of 适合于……的;be true to 忠于……

  697.to trust……to 把……委托给

  698.place (put,have) trust in 依赖

  699.in truth 事实上,实在

  700.by turns 轮换地



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