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来源:本站原创 更新:2011-11-18 职称英语论坛

  A Wonderful Chipwww.med126.com
  It is tiny, only about a quarter of an inch square, and quite flat. Under a microscope, it resembles a stylized Navaho rug or the aerial view of a railroad 51 yard. Like the 52 of sand on a beach, it is made mostly of silicon, 53 oxygen, the most abundant element on the surface of the earth.
  Yet this inert fleck (小片), still unfamiliar to the 54 majority of Americans, has astonishing power. It is cheap to 55 produce, fast, infinitely versatile and convenient.
  The miracle chip represents a quantum (重大的医学全在线,搜集整,理www.med126.com) 56 in the technology of mankind, a development that 57 the past few years has acquired the force and significance associated-with the development of hand tools or the discovery of the steam engine. Just as the Industrial Revolution 58 an immense 59 of tasks from men's 60 and enormously expanded productivity, 61 the microcomputer is rapidly assuming huge burdens of drudgery from the human brain and 62 expanding the mind's capacities 63 that marl has only begun to grasp. 64 the chip amazing feats of 65 become possible in everything from automobile engines to university laboratories and hospitals, from farms to banks and corporate offices, from outerspace to a baby's nursery.

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