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更新时间:2006/12/23 医学考研论坛 在线题库 评论

通 知 1


  Write a notice in about 100 words to inform the residents of a coming typhoon.


  We have got the message that a typhoon is coming. According to the observatory, the typhoon, estimated to be stronger than last one, is arriving at our city tonight and will cause violent wind and rain. Therefore, we wish every family would make full preparations for it. Do remember to bring in the outside clothes, close your windows and put your flowerpots in the room lest they should be damaged or should fall down to hurt others. Don’t go out at night unless there is something very urgent. Especially those old people and young children should be most careful to refrain from dangers. It is said the typhoon is leaving tomorrow afternoon.

  Neighborhood Committee

  July 27, 2006

  通 知 2


  Write a notice in about 100 words for the Student Union to inform of a speech contest.


  The Student Union has decided to hold a Chinese speech contest to celebrate the coming National Day. The maximum time of each speaker is eight minutes. We will invite seven experts to serve as judges. Every speaker will be judged from three aspects: script, eloquence, and the reaction of the audience. The results will be announced immediately.

  All the participants are required to hand in their request form before September 12. The preliminary contest falls on September 18 in the school library. The final contest will be held on September 30 in the cinema of our university.

  The Student Union

  Sept. 2, 2005

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