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来源:本站原创 更新:2015/3/13 职称英语考试论坛


in support of支持

bring about发生,引起

be different from与…不同

out of the question绝不可能

in time及时

be satisfied with满足


avoid doing sth.避免干某事

come about发生,出现

indifferent to不在乎

above all最重要的

hinder from阻止,妨碍

intervene in干涉,干预;插入

catch up with追上,赶上

come up to达到,符合

concern with关心,挂念;从事于

have something to do with和…有点关系

fall back on求助于,转而依靠

fall in with符合,与…一致

prepare for准备

first of a11首先

get to开始;到达

originate in/from起源,发生;首创,创造

preside at/over主持

reconcile to/with使一致

restrain from抑制,制止

scrape through擦过,勉强通过

as follows如下

get through到达,完成,及格

be fed up with感到厌烦

get the better of占上风,胜过

give way to给…让路,对…让步,被…代替

go back on违背

go before居前

have to/have got to不得不,必须

participate in参与,参加;分享

get along/on with有进展,有进步

get somewhere有些;结果

get down to开始,着手

prevait over/against取胜,占优势;流行,盛行

at the moment此刻

be on sale 出售

carry through完成

be on good terms with sb.与某人友好

take charge of负责

be in demand需要

the key to…的答案(线索、办法)

cure sb.of治好某人…

aIl the way从远道,从头至尾

specialize in专攻,专门研究,专业化

testify to证明,证实

queue up排队,排队等待

correspondence with通信

dependence on依靠;依赖;信赖

exposure to受到

glance at瞥见,一瞥

take interest in对…发生兴趣。


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