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您现在的位置: 医学全在线 > 职称英语 > 卫生类 > 正文:职称英语卫生类词汇的固定搭配


来源:本站原创 更新:2015/2/28 职称英语考试论坛

takeas well还是…好

rule out排斥

agree on/upon取得一致意见

argue about争论

takea stand for捍卫

takea stand against反对

come after跟随

lie up躺着休息

without question毫无疑问

beside the question离题

bring t0 mind使人想起

compile dictionary编字典

ask for要价

refresh one§memory使人记起

present sb.with sth.送给某人某礼物

against oneg will违心地

in one's will在…遗嘱中

with ease容易,不费力

fall off下降

televise live实况转播

g0 on strike罢工

at will随意

0f one's free will出于自愿

at ease不拘束

fall away背离

for the moment暂时,目前

have intention 0f有意,打算

have not the least idea of不知道

have desire t0 do sth.想做某事

be particular about讲究

pass through通过,经过

bv the moment到…时

n0 intention of无意,不打算

have no desire for对…没有欲望

have sth.in stock有现货

carry about随身携带

pass by从…旁边经过

pass over不注意,忽视

get out使…出去

be of little value没什么价值

pull back撤退

pull along沿…拉

die off死去,凋谢

something 0f在某种程度上

pass for被认为

now that既然,由于

at oneg wits end不知所措

pull round掉头,转向;康复

die away消失

drop down落下


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