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来源:本站原创 更新:2015/2/14 职称英语考试论坛


为了语言精练,避免重复的目的,除了采用省略和代词外,还采用另一种手段——近义词(带定冠词the的近义词)来替代上文中已出现过的词,这种近义词可称为"替换词".英语中常见的代词有:one(ones),that,they,those,the former,the latter等。it的用法较为复杂,特别加以归纳。

It 的用法:


1. It is very cold today.(气候)

2. It is three o'clock.(时间)

3. It is a long way from here.(距离)


三、It is(was)+形容词十不定式(to do),it为形式主语,不定式短语为真正主语。

四、It is +{形容词}+that(what,how,whether.……),it为形式主语,that引导的为主语从句。

五、It+不及物谓语动词+that引导的主语从句。这些动词有:seem,appear,turn out,follow,happen等。

六、It may well be that引导的主语从句。


1. 某些及物动词+it+形容词十不定式;

2. 某些及物动词+it+形容词+that……


八、it用于强调句型:It is(was)十被强调的成分+that(which,who)……

强调句型是简单句,可以用来强调句中主语、宾语和状语,但不能强调定语和谓语。在这种句型中把It is.……that去掉,句子仍成立。


1.All the various transitions from one form of motion into another are governed by one of the fundamental laws of nature,that of the eternity of matter and its motion.运动可以由一种形式变为另一种形式,所有运动形式的变换都取决于一个基本的自然规律,即物质及其运动永恒性的规律。(that代替one,one代替law.)

2.The author enumerate some of the factors which make it difficult for the sociologist to conduct experiments in the same way as his colleagues in the physical sciences.作者列举了某些使社会科学家难以进行实验的因素,而在同样的情况下,他的自然科学的同事们却可以进行实验。(it为形式宾语代替真正宾语to conduct.……)

3.The metallurgist has recently found a metal skin for missiles and supersonic planes,one that will retain its strength at the high temperature caused by air friction.冶金学家最近发明了一种用于导弹和超音速飞机的金属外壳,这种外壳在大气摩擦引起的高温下仍然能保持其强度。(one作同位语,代替skin.)

4.If one can scale down all dimensions to,let us say,one tenth,the average lengths of the current-paths will be reduced to one tenth.And the speed of operation will be scaled up 10 times.如果人们能把所有尺寸缩小,比如说,减小到原来的1/10,那么电流路径的平均长度也将减小到1/10,操作速度因而就会按比例提高10倍。(one泛指人。)

5.Underground water reserves are much larger than those on the surface,but as they are unseen we tend to underestimate them.地下水的储量要比地面水大得多,但是由于看不到,所以往往低估了地下水的储量。(those代替reserves.as引导原因状语从句。them代替reserves.)

6.Here we find that the term work has been given by science a somewhat more limited meaning than that to which we have been accustomed.这里我们发现,科学赋予"功"这个词的含义比我们所习惯的"工作"这个词的含义多少要狭窄一些。(第一个that是连词,引导宾语从句。第二个that是代词,代替work.)

7.We know that air can be compressed, and it is reasonable to suppose that the air at the surface of the earth is compressed by the weight of all the air on top of it.我们知道空气是可以压缩的,因而我们有理由假设:地球表面的空气受到该空气层上部所有空气重量的压缩。(第一个it是形式主语,代替不定式短语to suppose……。句末的it是人称代词,代替"地球表面上的空气".)

8.It follows from the principle of relativity that Newton's second law of motion,although fundamental in classical mechanics,only has an approximate and by no means complete validity.由相对论原理可知,牛顿运动第二定律尽管是古典力学中的基本原理,但只是近似的,而决不是完全正确的。(It follows from.……that……,"由……可以得出……".It是形式主语,代替that引出的主语从句。)

9.It was supposed that bodies fall to the ground with a speed which is proportional to their weight.This means that if bodies of 100 pounds and 1 pound are pushed over a cliff,the former falls 100 times as fast as the latter.曾经有人设想,物体落地的速度与其重量成正比,这就意味着,如果把重100磅的物体和重l磅的物体从悬崖上推下去,前者下落速度是后者的100倍。(the former指bodies of 100 pounds,the latter指bodies of 1 pound.)

10.Even though the same computer might have performed the same operation millions of times in succession,it must still be told exactly how to do that operation every time it repeats it.即使同一台计算机很可能已经连续完成同样的运算达数百万次之多,但每当它重复这一运算时都得准确地告诉它如何去完成这一运算。(句中有三个it,第一和第二个it都代替计算机,第三个it代替operation.might have performed是虚拟语气,表示对过去发生事情的猜测。every time是连词,引导时间状语从句。that在句中不是连词,是指示代词,作operation的定语。)

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