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来源:本站原创 更新:2012-2-16 职称英语考试论坛



Survey Finds Many Women Misinformed about Cancer

  Sixty—three percent of American women think that if there’S no family history of cancer,you’re not likely to develop the disease,a new survey found.
  In fact,most people who develop cancer have no family history of cancer,according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists(ACOG)(美国妇产科医师学会),which sponsored the survey.
  “Too many women are dying from cancer,”Dr.Douglas W.Laube,ACOG’S immediate past president,said during a Friday teleconference.“An estimated 200,070women will die in the U.S.this year,and over 600,078 women will be diagnosed with cancer,The results of this survey found a worrisome(令人担忧的)gap in women’s know ledge about cancer.” www.med126.com
  Based on the findings.ACOG is increasing its efforts to educate women about cancer and the need for regular screening tests.
  Although the survey found many misconceptions(错误观念)about cancer,76 percent of women surveyed did say they feel knowledgeable about how they can reduce their risk of the disease.
  However,only 52 percent said they were doing enough to reduce that risk.And 10 percent said they hadn’t done anything in the past year to lower their risk.Seventeen percent said they wouldn’t change their lifestyles,even if changes would lower their cancer risk. 医 学全,在线.搜集.整理www.med126.com
  Many women said they were afraid to undergo screening out of fear of finding cancer。Twenty percent said they didn’t want to know if they had cancer.
  In response to these findings.ACOG will launch on Oct.29 a new website—Protect Women Should Know about Cancer.The guide is designed to help women to take charge of their health and improve their understanding of their risk of cancer—and the lifestyle steps they can take to cut that risk.

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