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消化病学名词Digestive disease terminology

文章来源:医学全在线 更新时间:2006-6-17 1:46:27 考研论坛


超声内镜, ultrasonic endoscope

成形便, formed stool

冲洗法细胞学检查[术], lavage cytologic examination

虫蚀样边缘, eroded edge

出血性胃炎, hemorrhagic gastritis

出血性胰腺炎, hemorrhagic pancreatitis

穿孔, perforation

穿孔性阑尾炎, perforating appendicitis

穿透, penetration

穿透性溃疡, penetrating ulcer

大便失禁, fecal incontinence

大肠梗阻, large bowel obstruction, colonic obstruction

大网膜及肠系膜囊肿, omental cyst and mesenteric cyst

单纯性集群性憩室病, simple massed diverticulosis

单极电凝[术], monopolar electrocoagulation

胆[结]石, gallstone

胆道闭锁, biliary atresia

胆道测压[术], manometry of biliary tract

胆道出血, hemobilia

胆道感染, infection of biliary tract

胆道梗阻, obstruction of biliary tract

胆道蛔虫病, biliary ascariasis

胆道贾第虫病, giardiasis of biliary tract

胆道减压术, decompression of biliary tract

胆道闪烁显像[术], cholescintigraphy

胆道运动障碍, biliary dyskinesia

胆固醇结石, cholesterol calculus

胆管癌, carcinoma of bile duct

胆管测压造影[术], manometric cholangiography

胆管肝炎, cholangiohepatitis

胆管空肠吻合术, cholangiojejunostomy

胆管扩张, cholangiectasis

胆管内置管扩张[术], biliary stent dilatation

胆管腺瘤, cholangioadenoma

胆管炎, cholangitis

胆管造影[术], cholangiography

胆管周围炎, pericholangitis

胆红素脑病, bilirubin encephalopathy, kernicterus

胆红素尿, bilirubinuria

胆绞痛, biliary colic

胆瘘, biliary fistula

胆囊癌, carcinoma of gallbladder

胆囊肠瘘, cholecystoenteric fistula

胆囊超声显像[术], cholecystosonography

胆囊穿孔, perforation of gallbladder

胆囊钙化, calcification of gallbladder

胆囊积脓, empyema of gallbladder

胆囊积气, pneu-gallbladder

胆囊积水, hydrops of gallbladder

胆囊积血, hemocholecyst

胆囊镜检查[术], cholecystoscopy

胆囊空肠吻合术, cholecystojejunostomy

胆囊扭转, torsion of gallbladder

胆囊切除术, cholecystectomy

胆囊切除术后综合征, postcholecystectomy syndrome

胆囊十二指肠吻合术, cholecystoduodenostomy

胆囊收缩素, cholecystokinin

胆囊炎, cholecystitis

胆囊造口术, cholecystostomy

胆囊造影术, cholecystography

胆囊周围脓肿, pericholecystic abscess

胆石性肠梗阻, gallstone ileus

胆石症, cholelithiasis

胆小管炎, cholangiolitis

胆血症, cholemia

胆胰管汇合异常, choledochopancreatic junction anomaly

胆汁反流性胃炎, bile reflux gastritis

胆汁尿, choleuria, choluria

胆汁浓缩综合征, inspissated bile syndrome

胆汁性腹膜炎, biliary peritonitis, choleperitoneum

胆汁性肝硬化, biliary cirrhosis

胆汁胸, cholothorax

胆汁引流, biliary drainage

胆汁淤积, cholestasis

胆汁粘稠综合征, biliary hyperviscosity syndrome

胆总管端端吻合术, choledochocholedochostomy

胆总管梗阻, obstruction of common bile duct

胆总管结石, calculus of common bile duct, choledocholith

胆总管结石病, choledocholithiasis

胆总管空肠Roux-en-Y形吻合术, choledochojejunostomy Roux-en-Y

胆总管扩张, choledochectasia

胆总管囊肿, choledochal cyst

胆总管囊肿切除术, choledochocystectomy

胆总管切开术, choledochotomy

胆总管十二指肠吻合术, choledochoduodenostomy

胆总管狭窄, stricture of common bile duct

胆总管炎, choledochitis

胆总管造口术, choledochostomy

弹性假黄色瘤, pseudoxanthoma elasticum

蛋白丢失性肠病, protein-losing enteropathy

Devine结肠造口术, Devine colostomy

电子内镜检查[术], electronic endoscopy, videoendoscopy

淀粉酶-肌酸酐清除率之比, amylase-creatinine clearance ratio

淀粉酶清除率, clearance of amylase

丁型病毒性肝炎, viral hepatitis type D,delta hepatitis

动脉胆道瘘, arteriobiliary fistula

痘疮样胃炎, gastritis varioliformis

Dubin-Johnson综合征, Dubin-Johnson syndrome

端侧吻合[术], end-to-side anastomosis

端端吻合[术], end-to-end anastomosis

端式结肠造口术, terminal colostomy

短肠, short gut

短肠综合征, short-bowel syndrone

多发性静脉扩张, multiple phlebectasia, 

多极电凝[术], multipolar electrocoagulation

多囊肝, polycystic liver

二期小肠移植, two-stage intestine transplantation

翻出型肛门外吻合巨结肠根治术, Swenson procedure

翻转法内镜检查[术], reverse method of endoscopy

反流性食管炎, reflux esophagitis

反跳痛, rebound tenderness

反胃, regurgitation

放大腹腔镜检查[术], magnifying laparoscopy

放大内镜检查[术], magnifying endoscopy

放射性结肠炎, radiation colitis

放射性小肠炎, radiation enteritis

非闭塞性肠梗死, nonocclusive intestinal infarction

肥厚性胃炎, hypertrophic gastritis

肥厚性幽门狭窄, hypertrophic pylorostenosis

肥皂性结肠炎, soap colitis

粪便嵌塞, fecal impaction

粪瘘, fecal fistula

蜂窝织炎性阑尾炎, phlegmonous appendicitis

蜂窝织炎性胃炎, phlegmonous gastritis

缝线肉芽肿, suture granuloma

弗纳-莫里森综合征, Verner-Morrison syndrome

辅助性肝移植, auxiliary liver transplantation

腐蚀性食管狭窄, caustic stricture of esophagus

腐蚀性胃炎, corrosivegastritis

复发性胆总管结石病, recurrent choledocholithiasis

复发性溃疡, recurrent ulcer

复发性阑尾炎, recurrent appendicitis

复合性胃和十二指肠溃疡, combined gastric and duodenal ulcers

腹部结核, abdominal tuberculosis

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