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猪水肿病又称猪大肠杆菌病毒血症,俗称小猪摇摆病。是断乳仔猪常见多发病,断乳后1~2周龄多发,发病率较低,但致死率高(90%)、病程短。本病通常呈散在发生,传染性不明显,多出现在生长快、个体较大、膘情好、表象健康的猪群中。断奶后饲喂大量精料,突然调换饲料和饲养方式都可促进本病的发生。缺乏硒等微量元素也与该病有关。笔者对区内十余个饲养户饲养的110头仔猪进行治疗探讨,采用抗菌素治疗加补硒、强心、补液等综合措施治疗效果较好,治愈率达90%以上。现介绍如下。 突然发病,精神沉郁,食欲减少或费绝,体温正常或偏低。特征症状是头部水肿,脸部、眼睑部水肿尤其明显,有时颈部和腹部皮下也出现水肿。病猪行走时四肢无力,摇摆,运动障碍,共济失调。有的卧地不起,对外界反应敏感,有的病猪作转圈运动目前进乱撞,倒地四肢乱动似游泳状,发出呻吟声或嘶哑叫声,随后前肢或后肢、后躯麻痹,不能站立。病程短,死亡极快。 特征性病变是胃壁水肿,常见与胃大弯肯定和贲门部,黏膜层和肌层之间有一层胶冻样水肿。胃内常充盈食物,黏膜潮红,有时出血。眼睑和面部以下及颌下淋巴结水肿,切面多汁,有时出血,结肠袢的肠系膜呈透明胶冻样水肿,充满于肠袢间歇。心包和胸腹腔有较多积液。 根据发病猪日龄,临床特征(头部水肿、神经症状等)和病理变化(典型的水肿变化等),结合病程短、死亡极快等即可确诊。 4.120%磺胺嘧啶钠注射液20~40毫升、vb1注射液2~4毫升,25%葡萄糖注射液60~80毫升。用法:一次静脉或腹腔注射,每日1次,连用2~3天。 4.225%恩诺沙星3~5毫升一次肌注,每日1次,连用2~3天。 4.30.1%亚硒酸钠注射液2~3毫升1次肌注(只用1次,不能重复多次用药)。 4.410%安那咖注射液2~4毫升1次皮下注射,视情况第2天再注射1次。 5.1水肿病的治疗原则是综合对症治疗,即抗菌消炎,强心、利尿、解毒。 5.2因缺硒会加剧仔猪水肿病的发生和病情加重,应用补硒进行辅助治疗,提高治愈率。 5.3使用强心药促进血液循环,强心利尿,促进水肿液的排出,减轻心脏的负担。 5.4改善饲养管理,出生后7天,即应开始使用含蛋白较多的饲料,在吸乳的同时,让其尽早适应人工饲料。所用饲料要求新鲜,少量多次原则添喂,促进胃肠功能。 5.514~18日龄仔猪注射者水肿病的多价灭活疫苗,对预防本病的发生有明显效果。 5.6本病药物治疗的早期效果较好,后期一般无效。Pig ShuiZhongBing said the pig escherichia coli virus blood disease, commonly known as the pig swing disease. Is DuanRu piglet common frequently-occurring disease, after DuanRu 1 ~ 2 ZhouLing multiple, incidence of a disease is low, but deadly (90%), of short duration. The disease is often scattered happen, infectious not obvious, the more came in the fast growth, larger, BiaoQing good, representation of the health of pigs. After weaning feeding a large concentrate, suddenly change and raise feed way can promote the happening of the disease. Lack of selenium, trace elements and the relevant. The author of the more than ten raised 110 head of raise animals into thinking piglets, discusses treatment, the antibiotic treatment add more selenium, strong heart, rehydration comprehensive measure such as the treatment effect is good, cure rate of more than 90%. Introduce below.Sudden onset of the disease, spirit depressed, loss of appetite or fee and drink, the temperature is normal or low. Features is the symptom head edema, face, palpebral ministry oedema especially apparent, sometimes the neck and the abdominal skin also appears edema. A walk aching, swing, movement disorders, ataxia. Some lie the ground not, sensitive to the outside world, some made a circle sports blind forward disorderly bump, limbs touch down like swimming shape, moan or hoarse cries out, and then the fore or hind legs, hindquarters paralysis, can't stand. Of short duration, death is extremely fast.Characteristic lesions in the stomach wall is edema, common and stomach big bend affirmation and cardiac department, the mucosa and muscle between layers have a layer of plastic frozen samples edema. In the stomach often filled with food, mucosa flush, sometimes bleeding. Eyelid and face the following and jaws lymph node edema, cut juicy, sometimes bleeding, the colon of loops are frozen samples mesenteric cellophane tape edema, full of bowel loops in batch. And there are more XiongFuQiang pericardial effusion.According to the pig day age, clinical features (head edema, neurological symptoms, etc) and pathological changes (typical edema changes, etc), combination of short duration, death can diagnose very quickly.4.120% of sulfonamides pyrimidine sodium 20 to 40 ml injection, vb1 injection 2 ~ 4 ml, 25% glucose injection from 60 to 80 ml. Usage: a vein or intraperitoneal injection, every day 1, 2 ~ 3 days gone.4.225% favor carbonylcyanide 3 ~ 5 ml's a muscle note, every day 1, 2 ~ 3 days gone.4.30.1 % sodium selenite injection 2 ~ 3 ml one muscle note (only 1 time, cannot be repeated many times drug use).4.410% of the injection, Internet 2 ~ 4 ml 1 subcutaneous injection, as the case again one day 2 injection.5.1 ShuiZhongBing treatment principle is comprehensive symptomatic treatment, that fight bacterium diminish inflammation, strong heart, diuresis, detoxification.5.2 for lack of selenium exacerbate ShuiZhongBing piglets the occurrence and illness, application for selenium adjuvant therapy, enhance the curative rate.5.3 use strong heart medicine promote the blood circulation, the strong heart diuresis, promote the excretion of edema fluid, reduce the burden of the heart.5.4 improve raising management, seven days after birth, they should start to use more protein feed, in a milk at the same time, let the artificial feed to as soon as possible. The feed demand fresh, repeated small principle add hello, promote gastrointestinal function.5.514 ~ 18 day age injecting more ShuiZhongBing piglet price inactivated vaccine, to prevent the happening of the disease have obvious effect.5.6 the disease of drug treatment early effect is good, later period generally is invalid.
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