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Chemical journal of chinese universities

Chemical journal of chinese universities
影响因子: 0.856
I S S N: 0251-0790
出 版 地: Bei Jing
出版国家: CHINA
刊  期: 月刊
创刊时间: 1995
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 较快,2-4周
中科院分区: 4
投稿命中率: 容易
国外数据库收录: IM
5年影响因子: 0.621
研究领域: 化学-化学综合
官方链接: http://www.cjcu.jlu.edu.cn/
投稿须知: http://www.cjcu.jlu.edu.cn/


Publication by the competent Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, organized the field of environmental science in China founded the first academic journals. "Environmental Science" in 1976, is a monthly, domestic and foreign public offering. "Environmental Science" selected the CPC Central Committee Publicity Department, Press and Publication Administration and Ministry of Science and Technology of China Journal Square, and published by Chinese Academy of Science Fund. "Environmental Science" sector at home and abroad greatly influenced by a number of important domestic and retrieval systems, such as the United States, "EI", "BA", "CA", Japan's "scientific and technical literature quick report", Russia The "Digest magazine," and so on. Retrieval system of domestic "Environmental Science Digest", "Chinese Biological Abstracts," "Chinese Geographical Science Digest", "Geological Digest", "Chinese Science Citation Database" and "Science in China Statistics and Analysis Database," and so on. "Environmental Science" Since it began, both academic quality and editorial quality, are improved. Manuscripts are more representative of the published papers reported the content of the environment in our country the highest level of scientific research and technology. Editing and typesetting standardized, high quality printing and binding, has twice won the first prize of Chinese Academy of Sciences an excellent journal, in the first and second sessions of the National Natural Science competitions in the excellent journal won the first prize and third prize respectively. According to the Chinese Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the latest statistics (2004), "Environmental Science" class in environmental science journals, citation frequency and impact factors are among the best. In "A Guide to Chinese core journals", the "environmental science" as the core of environmental science and soil science journals, and in environmental sciences journals ranked first. "Environmental Science" Since it began, always adhere to prevent pollution and improve the ecological, promote development and benefit the people of the purpose, coverage of environmental science, innovative high level of importance to basic and applied research results, and to reflect the pollution control , clean production and the ecological environment for sustainable development such as strategic thinking, theory and practical technology. Founded as the first field of environmental science journals, after 30 years of efforts, "Environmental Science" has become the authority of the field of environmental science journals. "Environmental Science" Editorial Board Submission enthusiastically welcome the editorial department will do its best to serve you, let us work together to run, "Environmental Science" to promote the development of environmental science at home and abroad to contribute.
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