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来源:本站原创 更新:2013-9-27 论文投稿平台


【摘要】 目的 研究雷帕霉素(rapamycin, RPM)对H22肝癌细胞生长增殖的影响。方法 体外培养小鼠H22肝细胞癌株,分别与RPM、CsA、FK506和5Fu共同孵育48h,进行MTT实验。流式细胞仪测定各组H22细胞的细胞周期变化,ELISA法测定各组上清液中VEGF含量。体内实验建立H22肝细胞癌皮下移植瘤模型,同时完成C57BL/6→BALB/c小鼠异体皮肤移植模型。给予RPM、CsA、FK506和5Fu灌胃,观察皮片存活情况。获取实验小鼠血清及肿瘤组织。计算各组肿瘤体积,通过CD34免疫组化染色测定各组肿瘤组织的微血管密度(MVD)。结果 剂量为0.01、0.1、1mg/L的RPM对对数生长的H22肝细胞具有细胞毒性,抑制H22小鼠肝癌细胞增殖,培养上清液中的VEGF浓度较对照组显著降低(P<0.05),细胞周期分析显示S期细胞数较其他免疫抑制剂组显著减少(P<0.05)。体内实验显示给予1.5mg/(kg·d)和4.5mg/(kg·d)的RPM与5mg/(kg·d) FK506、20mg/(kg·d) CsA的皮片存活时间相等,而肿瘤体积显著减小(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,实验剂量RPM显著降低了荷瘤小鼠血清中的VEGF含量(P<0.05),同时瘤组织内的MVD显著减少(P<0.05)。结论 体外实验研究和动物实验证实,RPM具有抗免疫排斥和抗肿瘤增殖的特点,可能在肝移植治疗肝脏恶性肿瘤方面发挥优势。

【关键词】 雷帕霉素;免疫抑制剂;肝癌;血管内皮细胞生长因子

Inhibitory effect of rapamycin on proliferation of H22 hepatic cancer in mice

WU Zheng, L Yi, LIU Yuanxing, WANG Zuoren

Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital,Medical School of Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710061, China医.学全.在.线网站www.med126.com

ABSTRACT: Objective To explore rapamycin's inhibitory effect on proliferation of H22 hepatic cancer in mice. Methods In vitro study: H22 hepatic cancer cell lines were cultured with rapamycin, CsA, FK506, and 5FU, respectively, for 48h. The different drugs' inhibitory effect on proliferation was determined through MTT. The influences of different agents on the H22 hepatic cancer cell cycle were observed by flow cytometry. The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) concentration of the supernatant fluid of the cultured H22 hepatic cancer cell was detected by ELISA. In vivo study: C57BL/6 to Balb/c mice allogenic skin transplant was established, and the H22 hepatic cancer cell was implanted under skin. Rapamycin, CsA, FK506 and 5FU were fed to the mice, respectively. The effect of different immunosuppressors on the survival of skin graft was observed while the proliferation of the transplant tumor was investigated. VEGF concentration of treated mice serum was examined by ELISA. The microvessel density of the transplanted tumor was observed through immunohistochemistry staining of CD34. Results The proliferation of the H22 hepatic cancer cells was inhibited by rapamycin at the concentration of 0.01-1mg/L. When the H22 hepatic cancer cells were cultured with different dose of rapamycin, the VEGF concentration of the supernatant fluid decreased significantly (P<0.05). The number of S phase cells decreased significantly compared to that of other agents (P<0.05). When the mice in different groups were fed with 1.5mg/(kg·d) and 4.5mg/(kg·d) rapamycin, the lengthened survival time of the skin grafts was similar to that in CsA and FK506 groups. But the tumor volume was smaller than that in CsA and FK506 groups (P<0.05). Compared to that in the control group, the VEGF concentration of mice serum decreased in rapamycin group (P<0.05), and the microvessel density of the transplant tumor was reduced greatly (P<0.05). Conclusion Rapamycin, as an immunosuppressor, significantly resists immunologic rejection and inhibits the proliferation of H22 hepatic cancer, thus having its advantage in treating malignant hepatic cancer with liver transplantation.

KEY WORDS: rapamycin; immunosuppressor; hepatic cancer; vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)

临床资料表明,肝癌患者接受肝移植治疗的总体疗效还不能令人满意,移植术后肝癌复发的问题一直是肝癌肝移植需要解决的关键问题之一。肝癌肝移植术后复发与围手术期应用的免疫抑制剂有相当密切的联系。本研究将探讨免疫抑制剂雷帕霉素(rapamycin, RPM)对H22肝癌细胞生长增殖的影响,为防治肝移植术后肝癌复发的研究提供基础理论依据。

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