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医学英语-授课教案:unit 5

医学英语:授课教案 unit 5:河北医科大学教案首页教研室:英语教研室教师名称: 课程名称 医学英语 授课专业和班级 05级 授课内容 Unit Five (TextA) Doctors and Managers Can Learn from Each Other A Lot 授课学时 4 教学目的 To unders


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Unit Five (TextA) Doctors and Managers Can Learn from Each Other A Lot




To understand the commonness and the difference between doctors and managers, therefore the benefit to medical system and patients by doctor’s learning from managers


Understanding the whole lesson by explaining main language points and key grammatical structures


Understanding and translating the difficult sentences correctly by medical knowledge


Blackboard, chalk, teaching material and computer


Active way to make students to think and discuss by the combined application of traditional teaching method and creative thinking method, suggestions teaching

I. Lead in activities (10 min.)

What do you want to be in the future? A doctor? A manager? A doctor in management or a manager in doctor team?

II. Background knowledge (10 min.)

Background Information and basic knowledge of managers and doctors

III.  Analysis of the text (50 min.)

1. Discussion on a topic:

i) If you are a doctor, what would you like to learn from managers?

ii) How to be a qualified manager in medical field?

2. Language points.

3. Analysis and translation of difficult sentences.

4. list of advantages and disadvantages of doctors and managers.

IV. Discussion (10 min.)

V. Summary (10 min.)

In the future, our society is in urgent need of those who are both doctors and managers. As medical students, you should reflect on yourself, and be fully prepared to be a manager as well as a doctor.

VI. Assignment (10 min.)

Review the text and do the exercise after the text.



 Doctors and managers are of two different cultures, but they have much to learn from each other. The mutual learning plays an important role in creating a harmonious atmosphere in their work, Which in turn brings about benefits to both of them and eventually to the patients.


1.   The students’ speaking and reading ability are to be improved.

2.   More class activities are to be organized.

3.   Up-to-date information is to be provided to enlarge their knowledge.

I. Lead-in

Discuss thefollowing questions to warm up.

1.   What is your view of management?

2.   What are manager’s advantages overdoctors? 

II. Words andexpressions

1.   open (sth) up:open up possibilities of

   a) (cause sthto) open 打开,张开

   e.g. Coughwww.med126.com/job/ing like that might openup your wound.

   b) (cause sthto) be available for new development, production 供开发,生产

 e.g. open up undeveloped land, newterritory; open up new worlds of the imagination 

   c) begin business 开业,开张  open up a new restaurant

2.  inhabit  V. live in or occupy  居住于,占据

 eg. an island inhabitedonly by birds 只有鸟类栖息的岛

uninhabited   adj. 无人居住的

inhabitable  adj. 可居住的  uninhabitable  adj. 不可居住的

inhabitant  n. 居民,住户,栖居的动物 

e.g. the local inhabitants the oldestinhabitants of the island

3.    ethic  n. (1) a general idea or belief that influencespeople’s behavior and attitudes 伦理,道德体系   e.g. The modern ethic seems to beto get as much money as you can without worrying how you get it. 现代的道德观似乎是不择手段尽量弄钱。

ethics  n.(pl) moral rules or principles of behavior for deciding what is right and wrong道德标准,道德规范

professional ethics 职业道德 a code of ethics 道德准则

ethical adj. (1)关于伦理的,道德的

e.g. The use of animals in scientific tests raisessome difficult ethical questions. (2) 合乎道德的,正确的Is it ethical to use drugs to control prisoner’s behavior?

ethically adv.

4.   incentive  n. a payment or concession to stimulategreater output by workers  鼓励,奖励  ~ for sb to sth

5.   overwhelming  adj. irresistible by force of numbers,influence, amount etc 数量,影响,金额等势不可挡,压倒性的

 ~ tasks of clinical clerkships

6.   specialize  v. 专门从事 devoteto an area of interest

~ in neurology, pediatrics, economics, marketing etc

7.   be rooted in: originate from  起源,开始

Medicine is rooted in science.

8.   draw医学.全在线www.med126.com on: take or use as a source 利用,使用,运用

It was a challenge but luckily we had expertise todraw on.  

III. Text

1. Structure of the text

para1   Introduction


  para4-6 Doctors’advantage

  para7-8 Learningfrom managers

  para9   Mutual learning

2. Check the answers in the text

3. Analysis of the grammar and difficultsentences.

IV. Summary

  In the future, our society is in urgentneed of those who are both doctors and managers. As medical students, youshould reflect on yourself, and be fully prepared to be a manager as well as adoctor.

V. Teamwork

   Discussion on some questions----

1. What do you prefer to be?  A doctor or a manager, or both?

2. How to make your contribution thedevelopment of medicine?

VI. Homework

 Review the text and do the exercise afterthe text.

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