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  26.答案A its drastically decreased population
  解析:此题是原因细节题。根据关键词定位到第一段But前后关于lesser prairie chickens 数量2million和22,000的强烈对比。此外第二段第二句“the lesser prairie chicken is in a desperate situation”都可以得知A its drastically decreased population 数量的急剧下降为正确答案。

  27.答案C granted less federal regulatory powers
  解析:此题是原因细节题。根据关键词定位到第二段第四句,They had …, a state that gives federal officials greater regulatory power. 而But 之后是截然相反的事实,即政府授予了更少的管理权。故而C granted less federal regulatory powers为正确答案。

  28.答案A agree to pay a sum for compensation
  解析:推断题。题干问的是从第三段推出来:无意伤害的那些人是不会被检举的如果怎么样。根据题干定位到第三段首句“it would not prosecute….as long as ….”,题干中问的if即原文的as long as的同意替换,原文as long as的意思是:只要他们签署了计划。下一句说道,该计划要求个体和企业去支付基金。对应选项A选项“赞同支付赔偿”属于同义替换。

  29.答案  D the states
   解析:此题是细节题。根据关键词定位到第三段最后一句the idea is to let the“states”remain in the driver’s seat for managing the species, Ashe said. 其中in the driver’s seat对应题干中的the leading role, 故而D states为正确答案。

  30. 答案  C environmental groups
  解析:文中人物观点题。题干问的是Jay Lininger最可能支持谁,大写人名定位到末段最后一句。最后一句提到:生物学家Jay Lininger说道联邦政府要把责任推给导致鸟类灭绝的企业,显然是对政府和企业的反对。再往前看一句,指出:企业团体和政府部门观点一致,环境学家与其观点恰巧一致。因此,Jay Lininger最支持环境团体的观点了。

  31.答案D what deep reading requires cannot be guaranteed.
  解析:因果细节题。题干指出:传统的时间管理方法不起作用的原因是什么。根据题干定位到第二段首句指出the usual time-management techniques don’t seem sufficient,是题干的同义替换,但要找原因。整段都在分析过程环节,最终原因必然在该段末句提到。直接定位到该段末句,指出深入阅读不仅需要时间,而且是一种仅仅通过有效无法获得的一种时间。结合选项D,深入阅读所需的无法得到确保,是原文末句的同义替换。

  32.答案B make passing time fulfilling
  解析:题干问的是“empty bottles”暗喻证明了人们在做什么方面有压力,empty bottles直接可以在文中Gary Eberle所说的话中找到:“The future comes at us like empty bottles…”。其所说的话证明的目的必然是为了说明前一句的观点。因此,该题定位到三段“try to slot…but not the most fulfilling kind”,该句就指出:只会处理目标集中的阅读,这是有用的,但不是最有满足感的。结合选项B使流逝的时间更有满足感,是原文的同义替换。

  33.答案D achieve immersive reading
  解析:文中人物观点题,注意区分文中人物观点和作者观点。题干问的是Eberle赞同为阅读设定规定性时间帮助什么。根据题干精确定位到第四段第二句:“You’d think this might fuel the efficiency mind-set, but in fact, E…..into soul time”,意思是你会认为这可以提升效率性思维设定,但实际上这些行为帮助我们跨入到灵魂阅读时间。对应选项D,获得深入阅读,属于同义替换。

   34.答案  A reading becomes your primary business of the day
   解析:细节题。题干指出:总是带一本书会起作用如果怎么样。根据题干定位到末段中间部分“carry a book with you at all times can actually work, too … so that reading becomes the default state from which you temporarily surface to take care of business.”,意思是这样的话阅读就成为默认状态,偶尔会出来管理工作(注意business并非默认状态,非主要事情)。对应选项A 阅读成为每天的主要任务,是该句的同义替换。

  35.答案 B How to Find Time to Read

  36.答案B having a family with children
  解析:此题是细节题。根据关键词定位到第二段第一句Across generational lines,…including getting married, having children…即成功的标志包括结婚生子,故而正确选项是B having a family with children.

  37.答案C attach importance to pre-marital finance
  解析:此题是细节题。根据关键词定位到第三段第一句Young people…to agree that couples should be financially secure before getting married or having children…即年轻人认为夫妻在结婚前或者生小孩前应该在经济上是稳定的,故而C attach importance to pre-marital finance为正确答案。

  38.答案D reach almost all aspects of American life
  解析:此题是细节题。根据关键词定位到第四段第一句…those just starting…will increasingly spread through virtually all aspects …即这些期待即将渗透到美国生活的各个方面,故而D reach almost all aspects of American life为正确答案。

  39.答案D getting established is harder for the young
  解析:此题是文中人物观点题。根据关键词定位到第五段第一句…it is harder for young people today to get started in life than it was for earlier generations. 即与年长者相比,现如今的年轻人维持生计更加困难,故而D getting established is harder for the young为正确答案。

  40.答案 C His parents’ good life has little to do with a college degree.
   解析:此题是正误判断题。根据关键词定位到第六段第五句Looking back…his parents could provide a comfortable life for the children even though neither had completed college when he was young.即父母即便没有上过大学但仍旧可以为孩子提供舒适的生活,故而His parents’ good life has little to do with a college degree.为正确答案。






  44.B这一段讲到成人的世界里的确有太多让人烦恼的东西,But as adults we also have the luxury of being able to control our own diaries and it's important that we schedule in time to enjoy the things we love 享受自己喜欢的东西也是很重要的。接下来举例子,各种具体事例说明那些我们可以做的可以享受的事情,并且最后说出了他们的好处。从前往后一直再说我们应该放松,享受。所以啊,在剩下的可选择的选项中只有have funs比较合适了。



Section IV Writing
Part A
Dear Jack,
  I’m writing to express my gratitude for your congratulation on my success in the translation contest.
  As regard to my experience, I would like to offer you some proposals in this part. First and foremost, I strongly suggest you that you need to practice with painstaking effort in this field. What’s more, you had better have more communication with foreigners, which guarantees that you have a deep understanding of foreign culture. Last but not least, you are supposed to participate in some international events to accumulate a wealth of practical experience.
  Thanks again and I do hope you could take my suggestions into consideration. I wish you have good luck and make a great success in your future study.
                                                       Yours sincerely,
                                                       Li Ming
Suppose your cousin LI MING has just been admitted to a university write him/her a letter to:
(1)Congratulate him/her,and
(2)give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. DO not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use zhangwei.
(3)Congratulate him/her,and
(4)give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life
  称呼:Dear Jack注意称呼中,后面的逗号不可丢,也不能写成冒号。
  第一段:写作内容需涵盖两点:写信目的,表明感谢来自朋友的祝贺;可以采用这样的表达方式:I’m writing to express my gratitude for your congratulation on my success in the translation contest.
  第二段:写作内容应以建议为主体。在这个过程中可以把日常我们如何提高的方式写进正文,比如多加练习、多与外国人交流,多多接触国际事务等。本篇老师主要从这些方面进行论述,表达如下As regard to my experience, I would like to offer you some proposals in this part. First and foremost, I strongly suggest you that you need to practice with painstaking effort in this field. What’s more, you had better have more communication with foreigners, which guarantees that you have a deep understanding of foreign culture. Last but not least, you are supposed to   participate in some international events to accumulate a wealth of practical experience.
  第三段:再次强调重申写信目的医学.全.在.线www.med126.com,如ThaThanks again and I do hope you could take my suggestions into consideration. I wish you have good luck and make a great success in your future study.
落款:Yours sincerely,  特别提醒sincerely后面逗号不能丢;签名:Li Ming特别注意Ming 后面一定不能出现句点。

Part B
  As is clearly reflected in the above pie chart, the purpose of students travelling abroad demonstrates obvious differences in one college of China. According to the data given, the purpose of enjoying the beautiful landscape takes a comparatively large share, accounting for 37%, while that of relieving pressure also takes away 20% of the whole proportion.
  What triggers this phenomenon? It is not difficult to put forward several factors responsible for this phenomenon. To start with, with the rapid economic development of economy, people, including college students, are becoming increasingly wealthy, which enables them to afford the once-deemed- expensive oversea traveling. In order to enjoy the charming landscape all around the world, a large proportion of students choose to travel abroad. What’s more, along with the ever-accelerating improvement of economy and society is also the ever-increasing work and life pressure. Consequently, the purpose of relieving pressure ranks the second among all the purposes for folks to travel around the world.
  In view of the arguments above, we can conclude that the current phenomenon is of no surprise. And therefore, it can be predicted that admiring the scenery and alleviating pressure will still be the main purpose for people to arrange a traveling to other countries.







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