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更新时间:2012/10/15 医学考研论坛 在线题库 评论

Justices Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito Jr., for example, appeared at political events. That kind of activity makes it less likely that the court’s decisions will be 4(challenged/compromised/suspected/accepted) as impartial judgments. Part of the problem is that the justices are not 5(advanced/caught/bound/founded) by an ethics code. At the very least, the court should make itself 6(resistant/subject/immune/prone) to the code of conduct that 7(resorts/sticks/leads/applies) to the rest of the federal judiciary.

本段首句提到两个法官出现在政治活动中,但重点却在于for example一词,表示这是对上文的举例。很显然,这里说的就是法官采取政客行为,所以再次证明上段末第三题的分析。

第四题:这类行为使得法院的决定被认为是公正判断的可能性有所下降。此处的accepted as一词的最直接线索来自文末句“That would make their rulings more likely to be seen as separate from politics and, (by all means/at all costs/in a word/as a result), convincing as law.”中的be seen as一词,而本段本句中的less likely正好呼应了文末的more likely. 而本文第四段末句which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easily 17(dismissed/released/ranked/distorted) as unjust也考察了同样内容be dismissed as unjust,只不过是其反义表达而已医.学.全在线www.med126.com。考生可以总结归纳类似表达:be regarded as, be considered as, be seen as, be viewed as等等,当然也包括反面的be dismissed as及其近义表达。

第五题的be bound by,即被绑定一个ethics code,虽然理解的情况下,不难解释,但很多考生问道:如何找到这个词的线索。其实本文到这里就不难理解,无非是法应该绑定ethics还是politics,绑定politics的容易受人怀疑,所以最好划清界限,绑定ethics。这样,我们就找到了其对应的部分:第三段末句“Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely (guarded/followed/studied/tied).”这个tied和本题的be bound by,应该算是激情四射的一对了。


第七题是一个主动和被动的词组的同义替换,上半句说到court使其自身subject to 那些code,后半句说那些 code被apply to 其他的联邦法官。其实也完全可以说court应该将其他的联邦法官所subject to的那些code apply to它自身。简单的说,法院、法官be subject to code,code be applied to 法院、法官,其实本文末段首句The justices must (suppressed/exploit/address/ignore) doubts about the court’s legitimacy by making themselves (accessible/amiable/agreeable/accountable) to the code of conduct.中的accountable to the code也是同一个考点。另外,值得一提的是医学.全.在线.网.站.提供,本题中出现了一个熟词僻义现象,conduct一般考生只能做动词解,在此处为名词,解释为behavior,即code of conduct解释为“行为准则”,呼应首段末句中的behave一词。

This and other cases 8(evade/raise/deny/settle) the question of whether there is still a 9(line/barrier/similarity/conflict) between the court and politics. The framers of the Constitution envisioned law10 (by/as/through/towards) having authority apart from politics. They gave justices permanent positions 11(so/since/provided/though) they would be free to 12(serve/satisfy/upset/replace) those in power and have no need to 13(confirm/express/cultivate/offer) political support. Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely 14(guarded/followed/studied/tied).




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